The Cambridge Atom Scattering Facility has been launched in mid 2020 to provide access to internationally unique instrumentation for nanoscale characterisation of surfaces, both structurally and dynamically.

[Click here for presentation mode of the video below]

Our main spectroscopy facilities are:

  • Spin-Echo for surface-diffusion, potential energy landscapes and molecular scale friction measurements.
  • ‘MiniScat’ for diffraction and structural measurements.

Our Neutral Helium Atom Microscopy facilities include

  • SHeM for ultra-delicate microscopy down to ~0.5 μm resolution (beam energy 50 milli-eV).
  • HR-SHeM (in development) for ultra-delicate microscopy down to ~50 nm resolution (beam energy 50 milli-eV).

We can already provide access to some of our facilities and in-particular we can offer a limited amount of free access to SHeM for imaging trials. Please contact for more information.