The Cambridge Atom Scattering (CAS) Facility Board will:

  • Provide strategic advice on current and future operation and development of the facility;
  • Monitor facility operations and output (financial, technical and scientific);
  • Review the facility budget and performance, to ensure that value for money is delivered;
  • Assist in developing and maintaining an optimum plan for the facility operations.

The Facility board reports to the Head of the Department of Physics (HoD), University of Cambridge, but will also provide guidance to the CAS Facility Scientist and the CAS Facility Local Management Committee.

The Facility Board has no executive powers or liability.​

Organisatio​nal Matters

The Facility Board shall consist of:

  • A member of University of Cambridge academic or senior research staff, as Chair of the Board;
  • The CAS Facility scientist, as Secretary of the Board;
  • Two researchers from the UK, to include the PI of the most relevant facility grant/project;
  • Two researchers from the international community.

Members shall be chosen to provide a balance of scientific, technical and management expertise relevant to the facility. Up to two members may be from industry (UK or internationally).

Members will be appointed for a fixed term of three years with the possibility of extension. The chair will not have normal voting rights, but only a casting vote, if necessary.

Facility Board membership will be open to nominations from the scientific community, including self-nominations. Members of the board will be appointed by the HoD.

The Board will meet at least twice a year. Additional meetings may be scheduled if required. The Board will provide a short written report to the HoD of the Cavendish laboratory following each meeting. 


The Board will report to the HoD and will advise the CAS Facility Scientist and the CAS Facility Local Management Committee on operational matters including:

  • Development of / delivery against the strategic plan for the facility;
  • Scientific productivity;
  • Future development opportunities and their potential scientific impact, including minor and major upgrades to the facility instrumentation;
  • Procedures for the allocation of facility time to users;
  • Economic Impact and related objectives and measures;
  • Use of the allocated budget and delivery of value for money
  • International interactions and leadership

The Secretary of the Board will normally circulate papers 1 week in advance of each meeting, to allow the Facility Board to carry out the above. Board members shall be able to ask for any further information that they feel is required to allow them to carry out their role.